The number of persons working part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) was little changed in May at 9.1 million. The number of such workers has risen by 4.4 million during the recession. (See table A-5.)
About 2.2 million persons (not seasonally adjusted) were marginally attached to the labor force in May, 794,000 more than a year earlier. These individuals wanted and were available for work and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. Among the marginally attached, there were 792,000 discouraged workers in May, up by 392,000 from a year earlier. Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. The other 1.4 million persons marginally attached to the labor
force in May had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey for reasons such as school attendance or family responsibilities. (See table A-13.)
Nonfarm payroll employment fell by 345,000 in May, about half the average monthly decline for the prior 6 months, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. The unemployment rate continued to rise, increasing from 8.9 to 9.4 percent. Steep job losses continued in manufacturing, while declines moderated in construction and several service-providing industries.
The change in total nonfarm employment for March was revised from -699,000 to -652,000, and the change for April was revised from -539,000 to -504,000.
In the week ending May 30, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 621,000, a decrease of 4,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 625,000. The 4-week moving average was 631,250, an increase of 4,000 from the previous week's revised average of 627,250.
If investors in New York and London are seeing the first delicate signs of a recovery, their counterparts in developing countries say they are witnessing a full-on spring.
After a crushing fall in the last year and a half, stock markets in developing countries are riding a wave of optimism that the recovery of the global economy is at hand and being led by the developing world, especially China. Though emerging markets remain far below the lofty highs they attained more than a year ago, investors are again viewing their chances of growth as better than those of the United States or Europe.
As a result, the Indian Nifty stock index has jumped by 64 percent in the last three months. China’s CSI 300 index of shares in Shanghai and Shenzhen has risen 37 percent and Brazil’s Bovespa increased 41 percent over the same period. By comparison, the Standard & Poor’s 500’s gain of 28 percent looks modest.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, American Express Co. and regional bank KeyCorp said Tuesday they sold a combined $8.7 billion in common stock. That pushed the total value of shares sold by the 19 financial firms that were stress-tested by the government to at least $65 billion since the results were announced May 7.
Nonguaranteed debt sales and the conversion of preferred shares to common stock have generated roughly another $20 billion, for a total of $85 billion or more, giving most of the banks considerably more capital than U.S. regulators have required them to amass as they ride out the recession. Money is pouring in so fast that surprised bankers can hardly believe it, especially since most investors didn't want to go near financial stocks just three months ago, even though they were nearly 40% cheaper.
Planned corporate layoffs declined 16% in May from April to 111,182, the lowest total since September, according to an unscientific tally released Wednesday by outplacement firm Challenger Gray & Christmas.Job-reduction announcements were up 7.4% compared with May 2008.
So far in 2009, planned layoffs of 822,282 as tallied by Chicago-based Challenger Gray are more than twice as high as they were over the first five months of 2008, with layoffs having peaked in January at 241,749.
The figures are not seasonally adjusted.
"This decline in job cuts could be short-lived," said John Challenger, CEO of the outplacement firm. He noted that the second quarter of the year is typically the slowest for layoffs; the fourth quarter ranks as the busiest.
In particular, more layoffs could be coming in state and local governments, auto manufacturing and retailing, he said.
The recent flow of data continues to be consistent with a bottoming out of the economy this summer and the resumption of growth sometime in the second half of the year (we believe it will be the third quarter). Against this backdrop, there is ongoing concern that the backup in long-term Treasury yields will spoil the party. However, as we've pointed out before, the slope of the yield curve (which has widened), not the level or rate of change in Treasury yields, bears the strongest leading correlation to future GDP growth. The rate of change in corporate-bond yields (which have fallen as Treasury yields have risen) also bears a significant leading (inverse) correlation to future GDP growth.
Lastly, the spread between risky and riskless bonds (which has narrowed as Treasury yields have risen) also bears a significant leading (inverse) relationship with future growth. In sum, as Treasury yields have backed up, the yield curve has steepened, corporate-bond yields have receded, risk spreads have compressed, and other risky assets (equities, emerging-market stocks) have been rallying. This is consistent with faster future growth, not a tipping-over of the recovery process.
In other words, massive fiscal stimulus, monetized by the Fed, appears to be ramping up demand, which the financial markets should discount in advance.