U.S. consumer confidence rose to a nine-month high in June but failed again to surpass its level of September 2008, when the spectacular failure of Lehman Brothers sent the world economy into a tailspin, a survey showed on Friday.
The Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers said its preliminary index of confidence for June rose to 69.0 from May's 68.7. That was slightly below economists' expectations of 69.5, according to a Reuters poll.
Worryingly, the report's gauges of inflation expectations rose to their highest in months, creating concern for the Federal Reserve, which has pumped money into the financial system to spur recovery from the worst recession in decades.
For the third month now the overall consumer sentiment reading was at its highest since the Lehman debacle last September, which caused severe strains in financial markets, while not breaking through that month's level of 70.3.
More wealth disappeared in the U.S. this year, and both households and businesses reduced their borrowing, a Federal Reserve report says.
The data Thursday also indicated slower commercial mortgage borrowing.
The Fed said total net worth of households fell 2.6%, or $1.33 trillion, in the first quarter, as their property values fell and portfolios shrank before stock prices rallied in March.
Net worth dropped to $50.38 trillion from $51.71 trillion in the fourth quarter. Net worth is assets minus liabilities. The 2.6% drop followed a decline of 8.6% during the fourth quarter.
In the week ending June 6, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 601,000, a decrease of 24,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 625,000. The 4-week moving average was 621,750, a decrease of 10,500 from the previous week's revised average of 632,250.
The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for May, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $340.0 billion, an increase of 0.5 percent (±0.5%)* from the previous month, but 9.6 percent (±0.7%) below May 2008. Total sales for the March through May 2009 period were down 9.7 percent (±0.5%) from the same period a year ago. The March to April 2009 percent change was revised from -0.4 percent (±0.5%)* to -0.2 percent (±0.2%)*.
Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve District Banks indicate that economic conditions remained weak or deteriorated further during the period from mid-April through May. However, five of the Districts noted that the downward trend is showing signs of moderating. Further, contacts from several Districts said that their expectations have improved, though they do not see a substantial increase in economic activity through the end of the year.
Most First District business contacts report ongoing declines in sales or orders from a year earlier. Aside from biopharmaceuticals, manufacturers say business continues to drop off and they are cutting capital spending, employment or hours, and compensation. Software and information technology services firms are also seeing revenues fall from a year ago, as are staffing firms. However, a few manufacturers and staffing firms cite some stabilization or positive signs recently. Residential and commercial real estate markets remain in the doldrums, with declines in prices and sales (or rents and occupancy) continuing into March and April. Retailers are the exception, with a majority of respondents reporting modest sales increases from a year ago. Manufacturers say input costs are roughly flat, while their selling prices are flat to down. Retailers' and software firms' prices are holding steady, while temp firms' bill rates and pay rates are declining. "Uncertain" continues to be the operative word regarding the outlook, although contacts in several sectors see more reason for optimism now than six weeks or three months ago.
The Second District's economy has shown signs of stabilizing since the last report, though some sectors continued to weaken. The labor market remains exceptionally slack and has yet to show signs of leveling off. Manufacturing sector contacts indicate that activity has generally stabilized and express increasingly widespread optimism about the near-term outlook. Retailers indicate that sales improved somewhat in May and were roughly on plan but still down moderately from a year earlier. Consumer confidence rose noticeably in April and May, rebounding from a record low. However, tourism activity in New York City showed further signs of softening since the last report. Commercial real estate markets have been mixed since the last report, with Manhattan's market continuing to weaken, but most surrounding markets slack but stable. Housing markets appear to be stabilizing in much of the District but continued to weaken in New York City. Finally, bankers again report increased demand for home mortgages but steady to somewhat weaker demand in other loan categories; they also report further tightening in credit standards and continued moderate increases in delinquency rates across all segments.
Economic activity in the Third District continued at a slow rate in May. Manufacturers, on balance, reported declines in shipments and new orders. Retailers gave mixed reports, noting gains in sales during the month at discount stores but weakening sales at stores selling higher-priced merchandise. Motor vehicle dealers indicated that sales remained sluggish. Bank loan volume has been level in recent weeks, and credit quality has continued to deteriorate. Residential real estate sales showed a slight seasonal gain in May but remained below the level of a year ago. Nonresidential real estate investment and construction activity continued to be slow. Service-sector activity has been generally slow in recent weeks. Business firms in the region reported level or falling input costs and output prices in May.
The outlook in the Third District improved slightly in May. Although contacts do not foresee substantial increases in activity in the near term, more now believe the decline in economic activity might be near a bottom. Manufacturers forecast a rise in shipments and orders during the next six months. Retailers expect sales to gain strength slowly, but auto dealers expect sales to remain slow for the rest of the year. Bankers anticipate little growth in lending. Residential real estate agents and home builders believe market conditions might be stabilizing, but they do not expect sales to move up solidly until next year. Contacts in nonresidential real estate expect leasing and purchase activity to remain weak during the balance of the year but perhaps move up somewhat during the fourth quarter. Service-sector firms expect activity to be slow during the next few months, at least.
Economic activity in the Fourth District weakened somewhat since mid-April. Reports from factories show an appreciable decline in production and new orders. Residential construction remains weak, while commercial and industrial building decreased. Commercial and residential builders reported that project financing is very difficult to obtain. On balance, sales by District retailers were stable. New motor vehicle sales slowed, while purchases of used vehicles showed a modest improvement. Coal production fell substantially, with little change noted in oil and gas output. Freight transport volume remains at low levels. Refinancing applications for residential mortgages remain very strong, though other types of consumer lending were characterized as stable. Commercial and industrial lending activity is mixed. Core deposits grew strongly.
Employment declines were seen in manufacturing, commercial construction, and energy. Staffing firms reported a falloff in job openings. Given the weak labor market, wage pressures are contained. For the most part, input and product prices were stable or declining. Capital spending has been frozen or trimmed back to mainly critical maintenance projects.
Although economic activity in the Fifth District remained sluggish in recent weeks, some encouraging trends are beginning to emerge. District manufacturers reported a rise in demand as new orders and shipments grew. Contacts at District ports observed weak conditions, but noted signs of potential improvement. Residential lending activity picked up as contacts noted an increase in purchase loans, while residential real estate agents also reported an overall uptick in sales activity. Commercial real estate contacts observed a modest increase in leasing activity, although vacancy rates inched up in most markets and reports of rent declines and concessions were common. Nonetheless, demand for commercial loans remained weak with some continued deterioration in credit quality. Retail revenues--including big-ticket sales--generally declined since our last report, as did revenues at services firms. Retail price growth slowed, according to contacts, while prices at services firms declined. Temporary employment activity was weak, although some agents expected improvement in the next few months.
Sixth District business contacts reported that economic activity continued to contract in late April and May, although the pace of decline had moderated in some industries and most noted that their outlook had improved. Information from retailers was consistent with sluggish consumer spending, but sales were largely in line with modest expectations. Most auto dealers noted further declines in sales, while tourism-related spending slowed further in late spring. Real estate contacts suggested that ongoing weakness in home sales had moderated in several areas and inventories of unsold single-family homes were trending down. However, most commercial construction reports remained negative as vacancy rates continued to rise. Fewer manufacturers cited reduced production and orders than in the previous report, although overall activity remained quite weak. Banking contacts remarked that general business and consumer loan demand was soft. Labor market conditions continued to be weak, although fewer firms reported layoffs than earlier in the year. Price pressures remained relatively stable throughout the District.
Overall, economic activity in the Seventh District weakened in April and May. Consumer spending decreased and the pace of business spending slowed. Construction activity continued to be weak, although residential real estate conditions showed some improvement. Both manufacturing activity and labor market conditions deteriorated further. Credit conditions improved, but remained tight for some firms. Downward pressure on prices and wages diminished. Wet weather delayed planting of both corn and soybeans in the District.
The economy of the Eighth District has weakened further since our previous report. Activity in the manufacturing and service sectors declined further. Retail and auto sales in April and the first half of May were down from a year ago. Residential and commercial real estate markets continue to be weak. Overall lending at a sample of large District banks decreased moderately during the first quarter of 2009.
The contraction in the Ninth District economy moderated since the last report. Modest decreases in activity occurred in the consumer spending, services, residential construction and real estate, agriculture and manufacturing sectors. More substantial drops in activity were noted in commercial construction and real estate, and in the energy and mining sectors. Spring tourism activity was mixed, and residential real estate saw more activity. Labor markets continued to weaken, and wage increases were modest. Price increases remained subdued.
The Tenth District economy declined at a slower pace in April and May with firmer expectations of improvement going forward. Consumer spending was weak and was expected to remain soft. An uptick in manufacturing orders helped stabilize expectations for future production. Residential real estate activity strengthened with stronger sales and increased building permits. In contrast, commercial real estate market conditions deteriorated, and energy activity declined further. Crop conditions held steady while livestock producers cut herds. Bankers reported a rise in deposits and stable loan demand with no erosion in loan quality. Consumer price and wage pressures remained low. Producer prices declined at a slower pace with some firms noting that higher commodity prices boosted material and fuel costs.
Economic conditions in the Eleventh District remained weak from mid-April to late May, but there were increased reports of stabilization. Contacts in several industries said demand had improved slightly or had firmed since the last survey. Many characterized current conditions as bouncing along the bottom. While outlooks were slightly more optimistic than in past surveys, most contacts said they remain extremely cautious and do not expect any sustained improvement in the near term. Labor market conditions remain soft as firms continue to implement hiring freezes in the face of uncertainty.
Economic activity in the Twelfth District slowed further on net during the survey period of mid-April through the end of May, although the reports again pointed to signs of stabilization or improvement in some sectors. Upward price pressures remained modest overall, and upward wage pressures were largely absent. Retail sales continued to be anemic, and demand softened further for service providers. Manufacturing activity generally remained at extremely low levels or eased further, although conditions continued to improve for makers of information technology products. Demand held largely steady for agricultural producers and remained somewhat weak for providers of natural resources. Home sales continued to firm in many areas, but construction activity stayed stuck at low levels, and demand for commercial real estate continued to deteriorate. Loan demand weakened further on net and credit availability remained tight.
Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve District Banks indicate that economic conditions remained weak or deteriorated further during the period from mid-April through May. However, five of the Districts noted that the downward trend is showing signs of moderating. Further, contacts from several Districts said that their expectations have improved, though they do not see a substantial increase in economic activity through the end of the year.
House Republicans would let non-bank institutions fail in bankruptcy court andstrip the Federal Reserve of supervisory powersas part of a plan to revamp U.S. financial regulations, a draft document showed.
Republican lawmakers are also proposing a market stability board, led by the Treasury secretary, to identify risks that may jeopardize the financial system, according to an outline of the plan obtained by Bloomberg News. Republicans in the House Financial Services Committee are scheduled to release a plan June 11. The Obama administration will announce its regulatory proposal June 17.
“From this time forward, businesses should not anticipate the federal government to step in and bail them out,” Representative Scott Garrett, a New Jersey Republican who will help unveil the plan, said yesterday in a telephone interview. “That’s contrary to the fundamental ideas of capitalism and free markets.”
The Treasury Department granted permission to 10 of the nation's largest financial institutions to repay $68 billion in government-bailout cash, showing that the industry is rebounding from losses that sank some firms and caused the world economy to buckle last year.
Tuesday's announcement set the stage for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley and seven other financial-services companies to escape federal restrictions imposed in return for capital infusions under the Troubled Asset Relief Program. They included curbs on executive pay, dividend increases, hiring certain foreign workers for U.S. jobs, and lavish spending on corporate jets and conferences, which fueled a public backlash.
While the collapse of the U.S. banking system is no longer seen as an imminent danger, access to the capital markets remains difficult and bank balance sheets are clogged with troubled loans and other assets. Most of the nation's 8,000 banks are being hammered by the recession, and the number of bank failures is expected to climb. The 10 banks seeking to return government money will be able to continue leaning on the U.S. government in other ways, including by issuing debt guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
In addition to J.P. Morgan, Goldman and Morgan Stanley, Treasury officials gave the go-ahead to return capital to regional banks U.S. Bancorp and BB&T Corp., credit-card issuers American Express Co. and Capital One Financial Corp. and institutional banks Bank of New York Mellon Corp., State Street Corp. and Northern Trust Corp.
Some analysts worry that financial institutions that repay bailout money now may turn to Washington again if the economy worsens and losses overwhelm banks. One of the most vexing problems of the credit crisis — how to rid banks of their troubled mortgage investments — remains unresolved.
Employers' hiring plans for the third quarter didn't budge from their record-low second-quarter outlook, according to Manpower's latest Employment Outlook Survey.
A net -2% percent of employers said they plan to hire in the upcoming third quarter, flat from the -2% who said they would hire in the second quarter, on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to the Milwaukee-based firm's survey of 28,000 U.S. companies. (The second-quarter outlook was revised down to -2% from -1%.)
An index measuring sentiment among small business owners gained for the second consecutive month, moving just below a level that would indicate positive growth in the economy.
The National Federation of Independent Business survey registered an 88.9 reading, a notch below the 90 that would indicate the climate for small businesses is growing rather than merely not shrinking as quickly.
"We've been suggesting that we will be slightly negative this quarter and push through to positive in the third," NFIB Chief Economist William Dunkelberg said in a live interview on CNBC.
Nine of the 10 indicators in the NFIB survey were either flat or positive, with credit concerns being the only dark spot.
"They expect it to be difficult to get financing over the next six months," Dunkelberg said. "In spite of the heavy easing that's going on they're not seeing a real optimistic outlook."
Figure 4 highlights the recovery in several components of the economy in the first year following the trough of a recession. Several interesting patterns appear. In the previous three recoveries, the housing sector has shown the largest percentage change among the components of GDP shown in the figure. This largely reflects that this interest-sensitive component is usually buoyed by the reductions in interest rates that are the normal monetary policy response to recessions. This is why many analysts have highlighted the importance of seeing the bottom of the housing market for the economy to begin a true recovery.
Another important point related to recovery is that consumption needs to grow. While the percent change in consumption looks small in the figure relative to some of the other components, it is important to remember that consumption is by far the largest component of GDP. Because consumption accounts for more than two-thirds of GDP, these percent changes are on a large base. In short, it is very difficult to have a recovery without consumers being willing to spend, which was a motivation for some of the fiscal stimulus being directed towards increasing consumption.
In contrast, business fixed investment is not usually the driver in the initial stages of the recovery, as businesses are hesitant to hire more workers and make further investments until the recovery is more firmly established. Government spending also plays a role in recovery, as you can see in Figure 4. Certainly in the current recession, policymakers hope the stimulus spending will play a role. Furthermore, exports normally grow during the initial stages of a recovery. This is why it is important to us that policymakers worldwide respond to a recession that is clearly global.