Rates have risen steadily since early December, largely because good economic news and public statements from various Fed governors dampened speculation of a rate cut in early 2007. As a result, the 10-year Treasury's interest rate is back near 4.84%. This was at least a non-restrictive interest level in October. We'll have to see if that still holds going forward.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
10-Year Treasury and Housing
Talk of a housing bottom started sometime in October. Since then we've gotten more news on new and existing home sales to stoke talk of a housing bottom (We've also had home builders report some really lousy earnings reports). In addition, interest rates started to drop about that same time. Here's a chart of the 10-year Treasury from stockcharts.com

Rates have risen steadily since early December, largely because good economic news and public statements from various Fed governors dampened speculation of a rate cut in early 2007. As a result, the 10-year Treasury's interest rate is back near 4.84%. This was at least a non-restrictive interest level in October. We'll have to see if that still holds going forward.
Rates have risen steadily since early December, largely because good economic news and public statements from various Fed governors dampened speculation of a rate cut in early 2007. As a result, the 10-year Treasury's interest rate is back near 4.84%. This was at least a non-restrictive interest level in October. We'll have to see if that still holds going forward.