When I first started this blog, I had two Weimaraners named Kate and Sarge. At some point, I started a weekly series called "Weekend Weimar." Every Friday I would put up pictures of Kate and Sarge as a way to signal that the week was over.
Since the start of this blog, I got married, making "Weekend Weimar" "Weekend Weimar and Beagle." Then about 4 years ago, a pit bull adopted us, so it became "Weekend Weimar, Beagle and Pit Bull."
The last time I did this was about 3 years ago. Since then we've lost Sarge, our oldest Weimar, and Cassie, out oldest Beagle. Both died of old age. That left us with 1 dog, which is a few too few for us. So we adopted another Pit Bull a few months ago named Mumphrey. So, here is a new edition of Weekend Pit Bull with Mumph and Lite.
This means it's Friday and it's time to stop working. Go home.