The dollar ETF is trading in a roughly 80 cent range, between 20.90 and 21.7 and has been for several months. The volume indicators have a slight negative bias, but nothing strong enough to indicate mass selling. The MACD shows little to no direction at all.
What's interesting about the last two weeks events is they should have sent the dollar tumbling. A weak GDP report indicates there is little reason to park dollars in the US; the Fed decision indicates there is no interest rate incentive to buy dollars. And the S&P downgrade correctly pointed out that the US political system is a wreck more interested in partisanship than solving problems. Yet, the dollar didn't crash, instead continuing to form a solid base. The dollar is -- at least, so far -- the least ugly of several options. However, keep a strong eye on the 20.9 area; a move through that would be a problem.